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Spring seaside barbecue group building activities

Hits:Updated:2019-04-26 16:04:12【Print】

On March 30, 2019, the National Development and Reform Commission organized a special seaside barbecue group building activity to enrich employees' spare time, further strengthen team cohesion, enhance teamwork and cooperation skills, and better serve merchants and customers. . The weather was hearty and the air was pleasant. After the barbecue was set up and the ingredients were prepared, the friends of the group would be geared up. They couldn’t wait to show their skills. The food was also scented by the surrounding barbecue. After a full meal, the company also organized a series of exciting activities such as water transfer, squeeze balloon, blind eye distance measurement, K song competition, appreciation meeting, etc. The friends fully exerted the spirit of teamwork, not afraid of difficulties, excellent The activity task has been completed. Through this activity, employees not only breathe the fresh air in nature, but also enhance the relationship between employees. More importantly, it enhances the company's cohesiveness, demonstrates the team spirit of friendship and mutual help, promotes family culture, and gains happiness. To add color to our work and life.



Inspirational song singing competition


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