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   Ningbo Bioton Medical Technology Co., Ltd was established in 2016, It has a plant area of nearly 4,000 square meters, among which 1000 square meters are 100,000 clean rooms that meets GMP requirements. The company's key members are composed of Ph. Doctors in Biology and Chemistry field and who have been engaged in research, operations and management for many years in the blood purification field. The company focuses on the research, development, production and marking of related products in the blood purification field. At present, our arterial venous catheter for Hemodialysis, Indwelling central venous catheter protectors, Hemodialysis blood tubing set, Arterial Venous Fistula Needle etc products have passed CE certification. The Disposable oxygen humidification device has obtained the CFDA registration certificate. Our arterial venous catheter for hemodialysis, indwelling central venous catheter protectors and disposable oxygen humidification device have obtained national patents. According to the requirements of product production and quality control, the company is equipped with complete R&D and production facilities and various inspection and testing instruments. Our company has established a complete quality management system in accordance with ISO 13485 standard and Sterile medical device management practices.
  In the future, we will focus on developing technology-leading products, cultivating first-class talent teams and providing the best services for customers. Focusing on customer needs, high quality oriented, management-based, and cooperation as the way, we strive to achieve innovation-driven, leap-forward development, and timely provide quality services for social medical institutions.
  The company is located in the beautiful Hangzhou Bay of Ningbo (1.5 hours from Shanghai or 1 hour from Ningbo Airport). The transportation is very convenient. We sincerely welcome all experts and friends come and work with us to create new value for the society.

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Monday to Sunday

8:00 - 17:00

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